Friday, November 16, 2007

Satsuma - Children Hating Quotes of the Day

"This is the great challenge women face, because I see dependency all over the place. It’s why I very adamently oppose children, and think that women have got to get out of that business period, or we will be doomed forever in this regard.

I express this extreme view, because women very rarely say it outloud; it is just too out there. I hate all the deference to children, and don’t want to spend my time with them. Some women have got to be free of this heterosexual “familyism” and go into different territory.

Motherhood is not sacred, it is not superior, it is another job, and a dangerous one for women to “choose.” We have a very strong system in the world constantly telling women to have children, and this creates terrible traps, especially for young women.

What about the children, what about the family, what about what about! The truth is, freedom is a very hard thing for all human beings, and to break out of this serving/service mode, women have to move hell and high water to do it."

Does Satsuma not realize that if there are never, ever any more children, that the freedom she is so desperately fighting for will not matter? Who is she fighting for? Herself alone? If so, this theory is ok, but if it's for humanity, then it's just fucked and makes no sense. I wish Satsuma's parents had subscribed to the no children theory then we wouldn't have to listen to this crap on a daily basis.

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