Saturday, February 2, 2008

She needs her head examined

By Satsuma

Yes, I believe that’s true. All heterosexual women are rape victims. I never put this thought into words, but now that I read Hecate’s post, it makes perfect sense to me.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Satsuma's abusing again and proud of it

I'm not sure where Satsuma lives, but she's always complaining about how badly straight women treat lesbians. She says they're MEAN to lesbians. I know lots of lesbians and I'm straight and I don't treat them any differently than anyone else. In fact, I have neighbors (homeowners) who are lesbians (but they don't hate children because they have children) and I love those women. I don't ever see any disrepect from anyone in the neighborhood towards them either. I think Satsuma uses isolated incidents in her own life as a basis for spouting her hatred towards straight women and it's completely unjust and I'm not going to shut up about it because Satsuma says we're all too afraid to speak the truth and so I am speaking my truth.

Satsuma, I think you're full of shit and I think you like to write things that are mean then turn things around and say you are only writing mean things because straight women have been mean to you. You need to seek counseling for your rage and hatred towards straight women.

Here's one of her latest warped rants (aka ABUSE) about straight women:

"So the truth is, based on how we are treated in the world, we develop contempt over time. I saw straight women behaving like meanies towards me, the social nastiness was something very real. So naturally, I developed a long lasting and passionate hatred for these attackers and meanies.

I came to see all straight behavior as inherently awful, even though the people themselves are unaware that they are doing anything wrong whatsoever."

And she's picking on poor people again and saying that poor people are jealous of her and take the easy way out when they have three kids and go to walmart and pay $2.99 for shoes. Please, get with reality, Satsuma. No one is jealous of your hateful ass.

"You can always buy a good pair of army surpluss shoes. They last almost forever, and I have never had any medical problems from them at all.

Stick to good quality. Anything that is $2.99 will be $2.99.

I don’t know why people keep going to Wal Mart anyway.

We need to radically change the notions of what intelligent shopping is all about. People often don’t know that they are buying more expensive items than they need to.

But the thing is, if you are a young mother, with maybe 2-3 young children, you don’t have extra help or support, and so you go for the easy way out."

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Get your daily dose of crazy!

I'm actually starting to find Satsuma funny. Warped funny. Really fucking warped funny. I wonder if she hates her father or if she has any brothers or nephews. I feel sorry for them if she does. She probably practiced her techniques on them. I imagine them running for their lives whenever she's in the vicinity. And as they're running for their lives she's in the corner cackling with glee armed with her gun, basebal bat, paint to mark the rapist and whatever else she keeps handy to beat the shit out of piggy men. Oy vey!

Satsuma on
Preventing Rape:

1. Do not go out at night unarmed — baseball bat, club, or car keys.

2. Leave a party immediately if men predominate and are drinking too much. Better still, do not go to parties where men are there in the first place. Women never socialize with men in Japan! Even straight women never do this.

3.Do not visit the living quarters of any man alone, unless you know you can beat them within an inch of their lives all by yourself.

4. Do not travel places without money on your own person, and alternative ways of getting home, should you feel unsafe.

5. If you do get raped, you have other options besides telling your story to patriarchs. There are always other ways of dealing with rapists. I won’t write them here, but feminists have done this for decades.

6. Report sexists, preditory men, harrassers and other pigs to other women.

7. Women, believe other women when they point out the men who are causing problems at your company or campus. Listen, get the word out about who the oppressors are, and surround them on the campus. Throw stuff at them, and label them rapists with spray paint or another idendifying color.

8. Get some self-defense training and use it!

9.If men keep harrassing you, you can haul off and smash them down. I used to do this with any man who kept bothering me. Teenage boys I made quick work of. Tell them to shut up in a loud voice, give three warnings and then bash them! Get some practice fighting back and knocking the wind out of a man at least once in your life in self-defense.

10. If you’re walking alone and a man approarches you, yell at him! Go hostile real quick and real fast! Men are used to compliance in women, so get real mean real fast and in their face and they’ll get scared off. They are not used to aggression and out and out anger in women. Get used to yelling, and slamming down phones on male telemarketers for practice. A friend of mine did that all the time to recover from abuse.

11. Do not ever give men the benefit of the doubt, they’re killers, rapists and idiots on a good day. Remember, every rapist had a mother, and every harrasser is a nice family man. Just think O.J. Simpson and his charming self on T.V. commercials for heavens sake!

12. Alert all women to the dangers of rape, and encourage all women you know to walk each other to cars at night, stay late with colleagues so they aren’t alone in offices, and if you live in a bad neighborhood get a gun and learn how to use it.
My friend Michelle kept a loaded shotgun under her bed. If some strange man showed up on her door step she aimed the gun at him and told him to run. Word got out, and her house was never broken into.

13. Take women home if they are in trouble. Help women who are being harrassed in public. Call the police, yell at enemies, lend money to women to escape by taxi. Protect other women.

14. Don’t date men who are police officers, soldiers or other violent professionals. Just stop it!

15. That’s about all I can think of now.

Rape is something women can actively combat, but first we have to believe each other and assume that men are bad. They are guilty of everything until proved innocent in my book. Men do all kinds of creepy things to women, and they brag about “scoring” with women all the time. They’re pigs, monsters and bores. When I call someone a bore, it is the very worst of insults.

Get tough! You don’t have to put up with a world of loud mouth jerky boys, or clueless preditory men.

If you want to create space for women, take over a bar for the evening and tell the men to get lost when they come in. Carry baseball bats to your cars when you leave this place. Make a man run in fear of his life every couple of years or so.

Get men to believe that women are violent killers after their head. Don’t be nice to them, be very mean and very aggressive.

In the long term, eliminate the rapist gene pool. Marry men (if you have to) who are shorter and weaker than you are!

That’s it for now. This stuff works. Remember, anger is a woman’s best friend!

Sunday, November 25, 2007

New action figure - Satsuma, ax wielding man hating lesbian warrior

Just in time for Christmas!

Satsuma quotes below.

"I wanted to live in a foreign middle class culture, so that I could see outside of America. I looked at what countries fit this, and what places would work for me. When other women were dating boys, I was in the library studying. When other girls were too fearful of those “all male dominated” classes, I took them, and battled sexism and homophobia. I studied my enemies at close range, and learned to outwit them. I saw men as road blocks to drive around, or clay pigeons to shoot at in my spare time. They saw me as formidable, someone they should not triffle with. My anger and my raw aggression made them very weary, as well they should be around an ax weilding man hating lesbian warrior!"

More teenage boy hate. But I'm confused by the paragraph below. She's been stating for weeks that she doesn't take shit from anyone and yet here she tells us she hides and calls on a security person for some help. Which is it Satsuma? Are you a lesbian warrior or are you someone who hides and gets help from security guards? I'm not sure how teenage boys yelling DYKE was a threat to your life and why you say you barely escaped alive. Can you say embellishment?

"One time, I was in a parking garage at night with a colleague. We had justed finished teaching a financial seminar, and were heading back to our cars. Suddenly I spotted a car filled with teenage boys (I’d gladly have them wiped off the face of the earth). Trouble was coming, and my colleague was completely unaware of the danger. They yelled ‘dyke” at me, and my colleague, who was probably never yelled at in his life, didn’t hear what they’d said. “Get down, we have got to get out of here, get down,” and I grabbed my colleague and we hid between several parked cars until we spotted a security guard and I yelled for help. The boys then fled the garage, and my colleague was just dumbfounded by the entire situation. I told him what the word was that they yelled, and I could see the utter shock on his face. “Does this happen to you all the time?” he asked. “No, not as much as it used to. My business suit and briefcase usually keeps those damn boys away from me, the older I get the more intimidated they become of an older adult,” I said. “Now you know why I think all teenage boys should be hanged in the town square!” and with that I started laughing and couldn’t stop. Somehow, laughter is my way of dealing with the realization that once again, I had barely escaped alive."

In the paragraph below, Satsuma returns as the lesbian warrior. Whew!

"Then there was the time I was walking with a gay guy buddy of mine, and a group of boys, it is always boys who do this around me, started yelling at him. He was paralyzed with fear, but my emotions were very different. I wanted to kill them, and chased after them yelling. It’s why I own no guns. I know my anger is so explosive dealing with those piggish boorish boys that I really would murder them in cold blood at the wrong time and the wrong place. It’s always best to run and hide or counterattack by yelling loudly and inducing fear in the cowards, which is what homophobic boys really are, the worst kind of coward!"

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Satsuma says women caring for children is slave labor

"Men have hated feminism forever. Of course they would. Men want to hang on to their slave labor (women caring for children at no pay or benefits and no set work hours). Men want women to fear feminism and lesbians. Men turn lesbians into pornographic objects on the Internet all the time. Many women have no idea that the men are into S & M chat rooms or that they visit sadistic pornographic web sites on their own."

For someone who hates stupid, heterosexual woman so much, Satsuma cannot go two paragraphs without talking about them. She's obsessed. And she's a hypocrite. Half the time she is saying she doesn't really know much about straight women, and in the next breath she is telling us how she studies straight women. Which is it Satsuma? Looks like you're caught up in contradictions yourself, oh wise one! Satsuma talks like she is so tough but if she was so tough she'd start her own blog and stop riding Heart's coattails. Both Heart and Satsuma are ridiculous lesbians who fancy themselves masterminds. Satsuma claims that lesbians are not as oppressed as straight women which means she is behaving like the oppressor when she constantly berates them (and Heart allows this abuse)!

Don't like what you read here? Then click out and don't read. Toughen up! There's nothing harsh about this site. I'm just attempting to be honest like Satsuma. I've got a black belt in Tae Kwon Do, you know!

Friday, November 16, 2007

Satsuma - Children Hating Quotes of the Day

"This is the great challenge women face, because I see dependency all over the place. It’s why I very adamently oppose children, and think that women have got to get out of that business period, or we will be doomed forever in this regard.

I express this extreme view, because women very rarely say it outloud; it is just too out there. I hate all the deference to children, and don’t want to spend my time with them. Some women have got to be free of this heterosexual “familyism” and go into different territory.

Motherhood is not sacred, it is not superior, it is another job, and a dangerous one for women to “choose.” We have a very strong system in the world constantly telling women to have children, and this creates terrible traps, especially for young women.

What about the children, what about the family, what about what about! The truth is, freedom is a very hard thing for all human beings, and to break out of this serving/service mode, women have to move hell and high water to do it."

Does Satsuma not realize that if there are never, ever any more children, that the freedom she is so desperately fighting for will not matter? Who is she fighting for? Herself alone? If so, this theory is ok, but if it's for humanity, then it's just fucked and makes no sense. I wish Satsuma's parents had subscribed to the no children theory then we wouldn't have to listen to this crap on a daily basis.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Major Sour Grapes

I was going to leave this one alone, but I can't. Major sour grapes surfaced when Heart learned there was no FEMINIST category included in the 2007 Weblog Awards. She needs to be the center of attention or she ain't happy. After whining about the absence of a feminist category, lots of male bashing, and making snide remarks about Joe.My.God winning in the GLBT category (oh no, another MALE!!!), Heart and her cult members proceeded to create spoof categories so that they could unleash their passive aggressive rage and mask it under the guise of comedy. Read the comment section for examples of their "humor " and bad sportsmanship.

Vicious stuff indeed.