Monday, November 5, 2007

And the windbag keeps blowing

Shortly after posting the trainwreck entry below, Heart made the decision to bring the entire thread with comments included back public. She took the time to bold out portions of comments she felt were contentious and insulting and asked that everyone play nice. If you take a look at the comment thread you will see that most of the offending (bolded out) portions belong to Satsuma (no big surprise there).

Satsuma posted a comment saying she made a longwinded apology, but I have yet to see such a comment, however she did promise to try to be a little less offensive when speaking of (SHRIEK!!!) straight women (because we're such stupid ass child breeding nuisances).

Fast forward to today. I've noticed none of the women who were justifiably angry with Heart for allowing misogynist Satsuma to verbally abuse other women have resumed commenting there, but Satsuma is back in full force and she's sneaking in her hateful remarks about straight women. Here's some of her latest gems:

"All I know is I want my own space and my own culture, and I don’t have much in common with straight women. I know straight women don’t really fight very hard for lesbian rights, and that’s just the way it is."

"This powerful lesbian gathering had a completely different energy field compared to when I’m in “mixed” read hetero dominant women’s groups."

"This kind of thing is not something that you can do jointy with straight women most of the time. It just won’t work. We are really a very distinctly different culture, and just being there with my species was empowering"

"In today’s world, I don’t see much evidense of straight women caring about lesbian nation at all. It’s a land we create for ourselves. Visitors are always welcome, but this is our intellectual tradition we are trying to protect, and if we don’t do it, no one else is going to do it for us."

"So a label is important to me, because I never want anyone ever to think I am a straight woman! Never. That is the greatest insult I can think of. I don’t want to assimilate either, but will integrate"
"So what to do about it? For one thing, I don’t buy into this “I’m quitting I can’t take your comments” routine so common among women. I just keep going. If women want to flee, then it’s their business, but I am in this movement until the day I die, so this isn’t a little vacation for me into feminism, this is my life journey. There was no hetero detour, no period of being in some opposite ideology, and I didn’t let the shunning and meanness of women stop me from moving ahead with things I believed were in my own best interest."

"I gave women the benefit of the doubt here by doing the unthinkable in femaleland, showing aggressive uncensored anger. Anger over the oppression of lesbians, anger over that damn oppressive state known as baby picture wielding straight women… a call to war if ever there was one (the smiley face is a kick in the face to straight women." Apparently, Satsuma has attributed the liberal use of smiley faces to straight women--who knew?)

"Not all women can stand anger, or its blunt undiplomatic (a heterosexual women’s code word for “don’t rile massah, don’t be too lesbian). Anytime someone says I should be more diplomatic, that means “lesbian shut up.” That’s what that words translates as to me. It’ll make me madder and meaner!"

As someone commented a number of days ago, Satsuma seems to be using Heart's comment section as a way to have a blog without having a blog. And she gets the added pleasure of appropriating Heart's audience without doing any real work of her own except for the creating of the windbag comments she continues to churn out at lightening speed.

I don't know about anyone else, but I'm getting close to not reading it anymore because she's like a broken record. Shame on Heart for allowing this abuse of women. Satsuma tells us that she's just trying to "knock sense into us" but I think I'll pass, thank you. When she is told she has angered women with her abusive language, she rejoices in this and tells us that we should be appreciative that she is taking the time to rip us new ones for being privileged straight women. Did she ever stop to consider that we're too damn tired taking care of our own lives to want to take on HERS too? She likes to talk the talk that she's so tough and yet all she does is whine about how straight women don't fight for lesbian's rights.

Hey Satsuma, do us all a favor and STFU. (insert smiley face with devil ears here)

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