Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Universal WTF?

I might put in a couple of entries today just because there are a few things I want to comment on. First of all Universal Plume. I tend to like her blog because she writes well and is passionate about a lot of things and she's interesting.

However...this particular post left me thinking WTF?

Here are the parts that left me shaking my head and concerned for the child:

"I want my son to be a gentle, effeminate man. Not just 'in touch with his feminine side'. I want him to BE feminine. Meaning I want him to take on all the behaviors traditionally assigned to women and make them his own. Live them proudly, without fear and in everyone's fucking face like a radical pink ninja."

And also this:

"I'd be THRILLED if he turned out to be gay. The world needs more gay people. Enough with the straightness already. I sincerely hope we are a dying breed. Good riddance to heterosexist heterosupremacy."

I guess the part I don't understand is all the hating of the male thing and wanting her son to be gay. I've never in my life heard that or seen that from anyone and have a hard time taking it seriously. There are lots of women I know who are just as vicious as men so holding women up as some sort of goddesses who can do no wrong is simplistic and unrealistic. Raise your son to be a good human being and that should be enough. Sheesh.

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