Tuesday, July 17, 2007

The deodorant can be found in aisle 3

This entry cracks me up. Dark daughter is a fairly new read of mine. I haven't quite figured her out and I'm fairly certain that's a good thing. From her writings, I gather she doesn't like too many people. She's always put off by everyone she encounters but I think that's just a defense mechanism. She finds nasty things to say about just everyone and calls it her being a nonconforming individual. Whatever. Anyway, in this post, dark daughter talks to her daughter (named Stinkapee in her blog, how apropos!) about hairy armpits, not using deodorant and not wearing bras. She is teaching her daughter to live without following any of the rules or expectations of other people which I applaud, however, I do take exception to the not using deodorant thing here:

On deodorant: "Mama, why do you wear deodorant?

"Mama's response: "Well, you already know that human beings are really just animals like all other life on goddess mother earth. Well, we've decided that we want to forget that we're animals. Only animals smell. Only animals give and get signals from how they smell. We want to smell like flowers and chemicals. Wimmin are expected to make sure their armpits, skin and genitals smell like flowers and chemicals. Yes, we know chemicals are bad. But most people get really upset if you leave the house without making sure you don't smell like an animal."

Uh oh. Let me just say that there is nothing attractive about body odor. Nothing. There is a difference between me and a gorilla and that difference is that I am a human being, NOT an animal and I sure as hell don't want to smell like one. Instead of spreading this bad advice about not using deodorant (it's the SUMMER, people), let's encourage others to spray away with whatever chemicals are necessary to keep the stench of body odor at bay.

1 comment:

Angel H. said...

The only "feminist hypocrisy" I see is you making fun of people with different beliefs.

I'll be sure to let everyone know that your title is meant to be taken as a warning.