Saturday, December 22, 2007

Satsuma's abusing again and proud of it

I'm not sure where Satsuma lives, but she's always complaining about how badly straight women treat lesbians. She says they're MEAN to lesbians. I know lots of lesbians and I'm straight and I don't treat them any differently than anyone else. In fact, I have neighbors (homeowners) who are lesbians (but they don't hate children because they have children) and I love those women. I don't ever see any disrepect from anyone in the neighborhood towards them either. I think Satsuma uses isolated incidents in her own life as a basis for spouting her hatred towards straight women and it's completely unjust and I'm not going to shut up about it because Satsuma says we're all too afraid to speak the truth and so I am speaking my truth.

Satsuma, I think you're full of shit and I think you like to write things that are mean then turn things around and say you are only writing mean things because straight women have been mean to you. You need to seek counseling for your rage and hatred towards straight women.

Here's one of her latest warped rants (aka ABUSE) about straight women:

"So the truth is, based on how we are treated in the world, we develop contempt over time. I saw straight women behaving like meanies towards me, the social nastiness was something very real. So naturally, I developed a long lasting and passionate hatred for these attackers and meanies.

I came to see all straight behavior as inherently awful, even though the people themselves are unaware that they are doing anything wrong whatsoever."

And she's picking on poor people again and saying that poor people are jealous of her and take the easy way out when they have three kids and go to walmart and pay $2.99 for shoes. Please, get with reality, Satsuma. No one is jealous of your hateful ass.

"You can always buy a good pair of army surpluss shoes. They last almost forever, and I have never had any medical problems from them at all.

Stick to good quality. Anything that is $2.99 will be $2.99.

I don’t know why people keep going to Wal Mart anyway.

We need to radically change the notions of what intelligent shopping is all about. People often don’t know that they are buying more expensive items than they need to.

But the thing is, if you are a young mother, with maybe 2-3 young children, you don’t have extra help or support, and so you go for the easy way out."

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