"Technically, I think a woman who supports the patriarchy, believes in the patriarchy and practices all the rules of the patriarchy can in fact be a bitch, whore, or a cunt because those labels with definitions of what they are, are in fact presented and used in the patriarchy’s world. Therefore if a woman is working outside of the patriarchy or attempting to deconstruct the patriarchy and is engaged with a woman who lives in the patriarchy she can used those labels (without a penalty for foul) when dealing with that patriarchal tool.
That language is a violation of feminist code; however, the interaction is not being conducted in a feminist realm (because one of the two is not a feminist), as in a feminist talking to a feminist. Of course it can be argued that ethically a feminist should not employ the language that feminists are against but when there is an absent of a interim language sometimes it is necessary to speak in the tongue of the beast that one is attempting to enlightened because that beast has not learned the new language yet (if ever).
Besides if they spent as much time and effort calling the menz out for using similar language then feminists would not have to work so darn hard."
-Kitty Glendowerhttp://egarooo.blogspot.com/
also known as chasingmoska
In other words, if Kitty feels like calling you a cunt, bitch or whore, she'll pull out her
"you're a patriarchal tool" card and say you deserve it. She can't be held responsible because she's a "feminist" dealing with a "patriarchal tool." Of course, Kitty gets to be in control and decide which side you're on because that way, Kitty can never be wrong or held responsible for her abusive language. How convenient.
Isn't she special?
Nope, just a mean old hypocrite.