Sunday, August 12, 2007

Ouch, that's gotta hurt

Heart dramatica - well, despite having her forums and a few other sites taken down by the dramatica team, Heart managed to slip away to Michfest with her daughter after the close knit radfems came to the rescue once again and bailed Heart out by paying for their plane tickets (bought at the last minute). Heart was saying she needed approximately $1250.00 and the radfems came through for her AGAIN, even though she never followed through on her promise to update about the Hullaballo trip they funded for her a little over a month ago. I guess some people never learn. Heart was saying that she got a great deal on the airfare at the last minute which leads me to believe she probably over collected for this trip but no one mentions a thing about that. There's no accountability because I guess Heart knows what's best for everyone else's money. Hopefully attending Michfest on other people's dime has taken the sting out of the forums nonsense but I doubt it. I expect she'll be back posing the VICTIM as quick as possible. That's why we love her. She's so predictable.

Biting Beaver dramatica - don't know much about this person except for what I've read and honestly all I can think to add is that she needs counseling and that I feel extremely fearful for her sons because there is such thing as emotional abuse and this woman is emotionally abusing her sons. No child deserves that. She is training those boys to hate women so that they fulfill her misguided notion that all men hate women and try to oppress them. It's really a sin. I'll be praying for those boys.

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